Sunday, February 1, 2015

SuperBowl ViGoal MyGuy

Here is the Super Bowl prediction report. Most scores are based off Bleacher Report and Las Vegas projections and I list the top players QB (for passing questions) RB (for rushing questions) and WR (for receiving questions). If I feel strongly about a player, I will bold and RED them.

  • I answer "NO" to the 2-pt conversion and missed FG question. These are events that are least likely to happen. 
  • Most times I answer "NO" to the interception question even though this is an event that is more 50-50. 
  • I will most likely choose that a team will have more PASSING YARDS because passing plays are usually longer than rushing plays.
  • If a player has an asterisk (*) next to their name, they are somewhat injured. So injured that it may affect their ability and they mi
  • ght not play the whole game
  • The number next to the player's names are ranks. 4=Excellent choice 3=Very Good Choice 2=Okay Choice 1=So you're saying there's a chance.
  • If you're viewing this through @ViggleTips, you may want to check back later for the afternoon and night games. I usually start with the morning and update my predictions and players as it gets closer to game time. I will tweet out updates @HuuMyGuy on twitter. (I also tweet out NBA MyGuy as well)
Well...the big game is here! I haven't done a ton of research on today's game because I'm more focused on the food, but here's a couple predictions.

Vegas: NE 24 Sea 23
*Earlier in the week NE was favored to win by like 4 points.
ME: I think the score will be 30-17... I just don't have a winner. Take the score as you like.

New England Patriots

QB: Tom Brady 4
RB: Lagerette Blount 3Shane Vereen 2, Jonas Grey 1, Brandon Bolden 1
WR: Rob Gronkowski 3, Brandon Lefell 2, 
WR YARDS: Julian Edelman 2, Danny Amendola 2
Attempts: Pass
Yards: Passing

Seattle Seahawks

QB: Russell Wilson 4
RB: Marshawn Lynch 4
WR: Doug Baldwin 2, Jermaine Kearse 2, Luke Wilson 2
Attempts: Rush
Yards: Rushing

The Pats receiving core is better. But the Hawks defense is tough, so I lowered Gronkowski from a 4 to a 3. He's my first choice for any Receiving TDs though. I have a sneaky feeling that Luke Wilson will score, just don't know when. It's probably smart to stay away from the Seattle receivers.

Rushing wise, Lynch is the best bet. And QB wise it is a wash. The game situations dictate who I choose for the quarters, if you follow me on Twitter, I'll try to get my picks out (assuming ViGoal Football Works)

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